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21 名前:名無しさん  :2005/01/14 01:52
Of all the universities of Japan, Keio University in Tokyo has the greatest social prestige. Keio students come from extremely wealthy families and Keio graduates have no difficulty finding good jobs with the best Japanese corporations. This is only slightly less true of Waseda and Hosei Universities.

In 1980 Lacktorin became the first “foreigner” hired as a regular employee—seishaiin gaijin—at Japan's top financial institution, Nomura Securities. On the last day of January Lacktorin, assistant professor in the University of Puget Sound School of Business and Public Administration, learned of an even bigger first: he received the news that he had passed his oral exam and will be awarded a Ph.D., or hakasego, from Keio University in Tokyo.

“They think of it(=Keio) as their Harvard,” said Lacktorin of Japan's oldest and most prestigious private university, founded in 1858. "I've been told by people at the school that I'm the first American to get a Ph.D. in their economics department."

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